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Women in executive positions

Women in executive positions

Specified targets for the proportion of women in management positions at FUCHS LUBRICANTS GERMANY

Against the backdrop of the Act “Gesetz zur Ergänzung und Änderung der Regelungen für die gleichberechtigte Teilhabe von Frauen und Männern an Führungspositionen in der Privatwirtschaft und im öffentlichen Dienst” (including the amendments by the Second Management Positions Act - FüPoG II) and the corresponding amendments to the German Act on Limited Liability Companies (GmbHG), the shareholders' meeting of FUCHS LUBRICANTS GERMANY GmbH ("the Company") is obliged to set targets for the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board and in the Management Board, as well as a deadline for achieving these targets. Similarly, the management of the Company is obliged in this context to set targets for the proportion of women in the first two management levels below the Management Board, as well as a deadline for achieving these targets. If the proportion of women is below 30% when the target is set, the target may no longer fall below the proportion achieved (so-called prohibition of deterioration).

The shareholders' meeting of the Company has set the following targets and deadlines for the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board and in the Management Board:

  1. Target by 03rd December 2026 for Supervisory Board: 33.333% (equivalent to a targeted number of one woman in the Supervisory Board, based on an aspirational total number of three Supervisory Board members at the time of the deadline);
  2. Target by 03rd December 2026 for Management Board: 20% (equivalent to a targeted number of one woman on the Management Board, based on an aspirational total of five managing directors, in relation to the time of the deadline).

The proportion of women on the company's Supervisory Board was 33% in December 2021, corresponding to the target set in 2017. In December 2021 the proportion of women on the Executive Board of the company was also corresponding with the target set in 2017 at 0%.

The company's Management Board has defined the first two management levels below the Management Board as follow:

  1. First Management Level consists of all employees reporting in direct line to a member of the Management Board as well as the heads of staff units (secretarial and assistant positions are excluded);
  2. Second Management Level consists of all employees, reporting directly to a member of the First Management Level and having personnel responsibility (secretarial and assistant positions are excluded).

When setting the targets for the two management levels, it was considered that due to changes in the organisational structure and reporting lines, the management levels had to be redefined. Furthermore, due to the small number of members at both management levels, significant changes in the percentage can already occur when only a few employees leave and/or are hired.

The Management Board has set the targets for the proportion of women in the two management levels below the Management Board as follows:

  1. Target by 16th December 2026 for First Management Level: 16.667% (equivalent to a targeted number of 5 women, based on an aspirational size of the First Management Level of 30 persons, in relation to the deadline date);
  2. Target by 16th December 2026 for Second Management Level: 25.352% (equivalent to a targeted number of 18 women, based on an aspirational Second Management Level size of 71, relative to the deadline date).

The target set in 2017 for the proportion of women at the First Management Level below the Management Board was narrowly missed at 14.285% in December 2021. The target set in 2017 for the proportion of women at the Second Management Level below the executive board was exceeded with 22% in December 2021.

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