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FUCHS Sponsorship Award: EUR 75,000 for social projects in Mannheim

FUCHS believes that every company carries a great deal of social responsibility alongside its business obligations. Active involvement in tackling a wide range of social challenges is firmly anchored in our corporate culture and has a long tradition. In line with this principle FUCHS has supported exemplary initiatives and projects in Mannheim's social establishments with the Sponsorship Award since 2000. Funding is available for projects aimed at a wide variety of target groups: children & young people, senior citizens, people with physical or mental disabilities, migrants and many more.

The Sponsorship Award, under the patronage of the Lord Mayor of Mannheim Christian Specht is awarded on an annual basis.

This year, the FUCHS Sponsorship Award celebrates its 25th anniversary. The prize fund is endowed with EUR 75,000 and is distributed to several projects. The winners will be selected from all submitted applications together with the department “Arbeit und Soziales" of the City of Mannheim and subsequently awarded in an official ceremony on October 23, 2024.

Specific focus topics are particularly important to us – also when it comes to social commitment.



Innovative developments are important to us. These do not necessarily have to be new to the world - creative ideas and approaches that are new within an institution or for the city of Mannheim can also be awarded in the funding category INNOVATION.



To ensure future viability, sustainability is firmly embedded in the values of FUCHS. In the funding category SUSTAINABILITY projects that are either socially, ecologically or economically sustainable are being recognized.



Our digitalization strategy "FUCHS goes digital" describes and enables the digital transformation of our company. The megatrend of digitalization affects us all in our everyday lives. In the DIGITALIZATION funding category projects that pursue new, digital approaches in the non-profit sector are being recognized. 



In Mannheim the rate of early school leavers has been above the national average for years. FUCHS as an employer want to counteract this trend. In addition to traditional educational offers, projects that deal with the individual personality and interest development of children and young people can also be awarded within the EDUCATION funding category.


Strong community

In current times of wars and crises around the world and in Europe, the topic of a strong community is becoming even more important. The range of topics in this funding category is diverse - for example, projects in the areas of anti-bullying/discrimination, multicultural coexistence, inclusion or health services are being recognized. 

The requirements for an application and the overall procedure can be found in our sponsorship award regulations.

The application phase for the FUCHS Sponsorship Award 2024 has ended.

Only available in German.

Information on the FUCHS Sponsorship Award ceremony 2023

The winners from 2023 have been announced in the award ceremony on October 26, 2023.


+49 (0) 621-3802-0